Thursday, September 18, 2008

Don’t Bury Your Dreams

by: Johnny Morney

My great friend and mentor Les Brown says “It takes someone with a vision of the possibilities to attain new levels of experience. Someone with the courage to live his dreams.” For years I buried my dreams with a drug addiction bad relationships and plain old bad decisions. We also bury our dreams in other ways. We hide under the guise of responsibility. We bury our dreams with excuses such as I’ll get to my dreams after the kids graduate from school. I will work on my dreams after I save x amount of dollars. We also let other people shovel crap on our dreams. We hang around negative dream stealers who’s always ready to tell you what can’t be done. And they are quick to point out your weaknesses and past mistakes. After they get done piling on the mess. We pick up the shovel in our minds and continue to bury our dreams.

Listen to me stop shoveling right now! It is never too late to dig your way out. The first thing you must do is stop thinking with your head and start believing what’s in your heart. All you need to do is dream again. Rekindle the fire that is still burning inside. Become that little kid again that knew the sky was the limit. You could be what you wanted to be then and I’ve got news for you. You can be what you want to be now.

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