Wednesday, August 06, 2008

What is Prana?

Prana is a Sanskrit word which means vital energy or the power of life which gives life to the whole universe including human life.

Prana is universal. In China it is called ’Chi’, in Japan ’Ki’, in Greece ’Pneuma’, in Polynesia ’Mana’ and in Jewish it is called ’Ruah’ all of which have the same meaning that is ’The Breath of Life’.

Pranic Energy is available in abundance throughout the face of this earth, its sources are the air, the earth and the sun.

What is Pranic Healing ?

GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui’s method of Pranic Healing is a Healing knowledge, Art and Technology, which utilizes Prana to heal the human body based on the concept of Pranic energy transfer from a practitioner to the patient’s body.

Pranic Healing is not an alternative healing, because it is not meant to replace medical healing, but more to complement it. So it is more accurate to name it Complementary Healing. During the process of the GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui’s method of Pranic Healing a practitioner does not touch the patient’s body and does not prescribe any medicine or concoction.

Pranic Healing occurred in the energy body of the patient. Generally any disease appears first in the energy body, before manifesting itself into the physical body of the patient. Through scanning a Pranic practitioner can detect that a patient’s body will be sick before the patient is aware of it, hence Pranic Healing is also a Preventive Healing.

Pranic Healing is very easy to learn

Pranid Healing is very easy to learn, by following the techniques which are quite mechanical, and the instructions during a Pranic Workshop. To learn Pranic Healing is easier than learning to play the piano or painting. What is needed is the sincere intention to heal and practice continuously. Actually the natural power of healing is in every humanbeing. Practicing Pranic Healing revives this Natural Power of Healing.

Pranic Activities

Pranic Healing free services and free Pranic workshops were done in various places in Indonesia, e.g. Padang, Pangkalpinang, Palembang, Karawang, Bekasi, Tangerang, several districts in Jakarta, Pontianak, Singkawang, Sambas, Middle Java, Yogyakarta, East Java, Bali, Timor and lots of other places.

Besides that there are also the regular Pranic workshops, Free services, meditation center, Pranic Healing clinics etc.

Other activities which are done periodically are the bi-annual Pranic Healers World Convention and the annual National Symposium for Pranic Healers.


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