Monday, August 11, 2008

Period of 2004-2006

Patiently, the patients were waiting for treatment in Pranic Healing free service in Sukoreja, in August 2004.

1st Indonesian Pranic Intructors Gathering in Sukanagalih Valley, Puncak. The gathering with motto: “Coming Together is a beginning, Keeping together is a progress, Working together is success” was attended by 42 instructors from entire Indonesia. May 2005.

Helping floods victims. The donation, collected by YPI from Pranic Healers in entire Indonesia, kept coming. It made Pranic Healers in Jakarta busy to do survey in floods location then send the aid based on the needs. Most of donation was distributed in the form of dry food, instant noodles, rice, sugar, cooking oil, books and stationary, kerosene stove, carbolic acid, medicine, decent second-hand clothes, and so on.

Thanks to medicine contribution from a pharmceutical manufacturer.

The volunteers were busy to pack the packages for floods victims. Many works that should be accomplished fast so the aid could be sent faster.

The situation of Arhatic Yoga Workshop in Bali, 2006

Practice of Crystal Healing in Bali, 2006

Pranic Psychotherapy in Jogjakarta, in May 2006. After the workshop, the participants held Full Moon Meditation.

3rd National Pranic Healers Gathering in Salatiga was attended by more than100 participants. The picture shows that some participants had photo sessio. July 2006
Pranic Psychotherapy Workshop in Denpasar, July 2006.

Give surpise to two friends during their birthday. September 2006

Pranic Psychotherapy Workshop in Prana Anggur Healing Center, September 2006

Official launching of Yayasan Prana-Nasional Indonesia as the substitute for Yayasan Prana Indonesia, Sept 2006.


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