Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Most Motivational Quotes

5 of the most motivational quotes of all times.

by: Lucky

Certainly, in your journey though life, you will find yourself trapped under difficult situations. Your heart drop to your toes, and you feel like quitting. Life is not easy. It never was.

However, there are a lot of ways to keep you motivated. One of the easiest ways is to use motivational quotes. Here are 5 motivation gems passed down by some of the greatest winners of all times.
1. That some achieve great success, is proof to all that others can achieve it as well - by Abraham Lincoln
Yes, it's true. Every one, including you regardless of what your excuses are has a chance to become successful. Why? Because humans are gifted beings that has the ability called change. So take command of yourself and set your path towards your dreams today.

2. The true measure of a man is not how he behaves in moments of comfort and convenience but how he stands at times of controversy and challenges - by Martin Luther King Jr.
One of the most important and inevitable things you will learn when you set foot onto the path to success is the ability to take on pressure. No matter what the challenge is, if you ever get knocked down, don't whine. Pick yourself up, learn from your mistake and move on.

3. He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life - by Muhammad Ali
If Muhammad Ali is a coward and afraid of taking risk, he will never become the Muhammad Ali that we respect today. If you are afraid of failing, then am willing to bet that you will still be the same as you are today 10 years later. Many fail to take the first step to change their life because they lack courage. Conquer your fears and you're half way there.

4. There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth - not going all the way, and not starting - by Buddha
You can tell yourself how much you want to go from point A to B but if you never pick yourself up and start moving towards the market you will NEVER ever reach there. Simple logic. And so you begin to move. After 20% of the journey, you decide to move to point C instead, so you changed course. And then after a while you decide to change course again and again. You will never reach B unless you keep moving towards the target.

5. People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily - by Zig Ziglar
You can be motivated this minute and the next thing you know, something happens and your spirit goes way down. It happens. That's why it is very important to keep yourself motivated. The good thing is, you can motivate yourself easily anytime you want by changing the way you think from negative to positive. Optimism is a skill that you can learn.

About the Author
Lucky is a secret underground success guru that dedicates his efforts to help people who genuinely want to become successful. You can get tons of other motivational quotes from his website Living Under Correct Knowledge for free.


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