Sunday, September 28, 2008

Cerebral Palsy

Source: PHQandA: Message 680.

”Cerebral Palsy is a condition characterized by poor muscle control, spasticity, paralysis, and other neurological deficiencies resulting from brain injury that occurs during pregnancy, during birth, after birth or before age 5. Cerebral palsy isn’t a disease, and it isn’t progressive. The parts of the brain that control muscle movements are particularly vulnerable to injury in premature and young infants.

  1. Spastic - in which the muscles are stiff and weak. Stiffness may affect all the arms and legs, mainly the legs, or only the arm and leg on one side. The affected arms and legs are poorly developed, stiff, and weak.
  2. Choreoathetoid - movements of the arms, legs, and body are slow, writhing, and uncontrollable, but they may also be abrupt and jerky. Strong emotion make the movements worse; sleep makes them disappear.
  3. Ataxic - muscle coordination is poor, and muscle weakness and trembling occur. Children with this disorder have difficulty making rapid or fine movements and walk unsteadily, with legs widely spaced.
  4. Mixed - in which 2 of the above type, most often spastic and choreo athetoid, are combined.
In all forms of cerebral palsy, speech may be difficult to understand because the child has difficulty controlling the muscles involved in speech. Most children with cerebral palsy have other disabilities, such as below-normal intelligence; some have severe mental retardation. However, about 40 per cent of children with cerebral palsy have normal or near-normal intelligence. About 25 percent, most often those with the spastic type - have seizures (epilepsy).”

  1. Apply general sweeping 2 or 3 times.
  2. Sweep the crown, forehead, ajna, back head, jaw minor, throat, secondary throat and the entire head and brain thoroughly and alternately with LWG & LWV.
  3. Energize the crown, forehead, ajna, and throat with LWG, then more of LWV. Make them bigger.
  4. Energize the back head, jaw minor,secondary throat chakras with LWG, then with more LWV.
  5. Sweep front and back heart chakra. Energize back heart with LWG, then more of LWV.
  6. Sweep front and back solar plexus. Energize front solar plexus with WHITE.
  7. Sweep navel chakra. Energize with LWR.
  8. Sweep sex and basic thoroughly and alternately with LWG & LWO. Energize with LWR.
  9. Sweep arms and legs alternately with LWG & LWO. Energize minor chakras of arms and legs with LWR.
  10. Stabilize and release energy.
  11. Repeat treatment 3x a week for the next several years.
Love and light, Master Fe


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