Sunday, September 28, 2008

Bulimia Nervosa

Source: PHQandA, Message 823.


“Bulimia nervosa is a disorder characterized by repeated episodes of binge eating followed by purging (self-induced vomitting or taking laxatives, or excessive exercising to counteract the effects of bingeing. As in anorexis nervosa, most people who have bulimia are female, are deeply concerned about the body shape and weight, and belong to the middle or upper socioeconomic classes.

Bingeing (rapidly and quickly consuming relatively large amounts of food while feeling a loss of control) is followed by intense distress as well asby purging, rigorous dieting, and excessive exercising. The amount of food consumed in a binge may be quite large or no larger than a normal meal. Emotional stress often triggers bingeing, which is usually done insecret. A person must binge at least twice a week to be diagnosed as having bulimia nervosa but may binge more often.

Self-induced vomiting can erode tooth enamel, enlarge the salivary glands in the cheeks (parotid glands), and inflame the esophagus. Vomiting and purging can lower potassium levels in the blood, causing abnormal heart rhythm.

Compared with people who have anorexia nervosa, those who have bulimia nervosa tend to be more aware of their behavior and to feel remorseful orguilty about it.”


  1. General sweeping with EV.
  2. Sweep and energize front and back solar plexus and the liver thoroughly with LV or EV.
  3. While healing, the intention is to remove the disintegrate the negative elementals and the negative thought entities lodged in it, and to seal cracks and holes.
  4. Sweep throat (front, right, and left sides) and secondary throat with LV or EV. Energize with LV or EV.
  5. Sweep and energize the ajna, forehead, crown, back head with LV or EV.
  6. Sweep front and back heart; and energize back heart with LV or EV.
  7. Sweep basic and navel chakras. Energize with LWR.
  8. Sweep spleen. Experienced pranic healers may energize spleen with LWV with caution.
  9. Sweep meng mein and kidneys. Energize kidneys directly with WHITE.
  10. Create chakral shield on the front and back solar plexus, throat and secondary throat, ajna, crown, back head.
  11. Create an auric shield.
  12. Repeat treatment every other day.
Love and light, Master Fe

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