Sunday, September 28, 2008

Hormone Imbalance

Message 683. Jan 26, 2001

Madical Information:

”Hormones are substances released into the bloodstream from a gland or organ that affect activity in the cells at another site. Most hormones are proteins composed of amino acid chains of varying length. Others aresteroid, fatty substances derived from cholesterol. Very small amounts of hormones can trigger very large responses in the body. Hormones bind to receptors on a cell’s surface or inside a cell. The binding of a hormone to a receptor speeds up, slows down, or in some other way alters the cell’s function. Ultimately, hormones control the function of entire organs. They control growth and development, reproduction, and sexual characteristics. They influence the way the body uses and stores energy. Hormones also control the volume of fluid and the levels of salt and sugar in the blood. Some hormones affect only one or two organs, while others affect the whole body.

(Where it is produced and its function.)
  1. Aldosterone — Adrenal glands — Helps regulate salt and water balanceby retaining salt and water and excreting potassium.
  2. Antidiuretic hormone (vasopressin) — Pituitary gland — Causes kidneys to retain water and, along with aldosterone helps control blood pressure.
  3. Corticosteroid — Adrenal glands — Has widespread effects throughout the body, especially has anti-inflammatory action; maintains blood sugarlevel, blood pressure, and muscle strength; helps control salt and water balance.
  4. Corticotropin — Pituitary gland — Controls the production and secretion of hormones by the adrenal cortex.
  5. Erythropoietin — Kidneys — Stimulates red blood production.
  6. Estrogen — Ovaries — Controls the development of female sex characteristics and the reproductive system.
  7. Glucagon — Pancreas — Raises the blood sugar level.
  8. Growth hormone — Pituitary gland — controls growth and development; promotes protein production.
  9. Insulin — Pancreas - Lowers the blood sugar level; affects the metabolism of glucose, protein, and fat throughout the body.
  10. Luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone — Pituitarygland — Control reproductive functions, including the production of spermand semen, egg maturation, and menstrual cycles; control male and female sexual characteristics (including hair distribution, muscle formation, skin texture and thickness, voice, and perhaps even personality traits).
  11. Oxytocin — Pituitary gland — Causes muscles of the uterus and milkducts in the breast to contract.
  12. Parathyroid hormone — Parathyroid gland — Controls bone formation andthe excretion of calcium and phosphorous.
  13. Progesterone — Ovaries — Prepares the lining of the uterus of implantation of a fertilized egg and readies the mammary glands to secrete milk.
  14. Prolactin — Pituitary gland — Starts and maintains milk production inthe mammary glands.
  15. Renin and Angiotensin — kidnesy — Control blood pressure.
  16. Thyroid hormone — Thyroid gland — Regulates growth, maturation, and the speed of metabolism.
  17. Thyroid-stimulating hormone — Pituitary gland — Stimulates the production and secretion of hormones by the thyroid gland.”
  1. Apply general sweeping with LWG for 3 cycles.
  2. Scan the chakras and the glands. Note which are overactivated or underactivated.
  3. Sweep the ajna and pituitary gland. Energize with LWG, then more of LWV.
  4. Sweep the crown and forehead chakras and the pineal gland. Energize with LWG & LWV.
  5. Sweep the throat and secondary throat chakras; the thyroid and parathyroid glands. If overactivated energize with LWG, then LWB. Will the chakra to become smaller. If underactivated, energize with LWG &LWV. Will it to become bigger.
  6. Sweep front and back heart chakra and the thymus gland. Energizethrough the back heart. Overactivated — use LWG & LWB. If underactivated— use LWG & LWV.
  7. Sweep the front and back solar plexus, the pancreas gland and the liver. Energize with LWG, LWB then LWV.
  8. Sweep the sex chakra and the ovaries. If overactivated energize with LWG & LWB. If underactivated, use LWG & LWR or WHITE.
  9. Sweep the meng mein. Inhibit meng mein with LWB, if overactivated.
  10. Sweep kidneys and adrenal glands with LWG & LWO. Energize with WHITE.
  11. Sweep the basic and navel chakras. Energize with LWR.
  12. Stabilize and release projected energy
  13. Repeat treatment twice a week.
Love and light, Master Fe


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