Friday, October 10, 2008

Period of 2004.

Some of participants in National Pranic Healer Meeting II in Lembang, Bandung, had photo session during tea break. More than 120 persons from entire Indonesia attended that meeting. July 2002.

Participants of the 3rd National Pranic Healers Gathering enjoying the games, Lembang, Bandung. July 2004.

Evaluation for the gathering. Did the participants satisfied? What about the topics? Any suggestion for the next gatherings? July 2004.

Speakers being given souvenir and certificate. July 2004.

The Peacock dance for the opening. July 2004.

Octobers is a special month for YPI, because in this month YPI celebrated its anniversary. July 2004.

Prayer for YPI 10th anniversary. October 2004.

Pranic Psychotherapy workshop in Semarang. September, 2004.

Can I order one fried noodle? Herminia cooking some noodle. September 2004.

From Pontianak, West Borneo, Hermie took a night bus to Kuching, Malaysia for 8 hours, and then directly back to Pontianak, West Borneo by plane, only to get stamps to renew her staying permit. September 2004.

Crystal healing, Psychic Self Devense and Arhatic Yoga Preparatory Level classes in Pontianak. September 2004.

Group picture of Arhatic Yoga class. September 2004.

At zero point of the equator. September 2004.

This is the Khatulistiwa (equator) monument, about an hour drive from Pontianak to Singkawang. September 2004.

Eat, eat, and eat, at any occasions. Pontianak, September 2004.

Trainers meeting, one of Master Hermie’s a month activities in Indonesia. September 2004.

A day after, alumni’s gathering at Gramedia book store auditorium, Matraman, Jakarta. September 2004.

Patiently, the patients were waiting for treatment in Pranic Healing free service in Sukorejo, in August 2004.

They treat more than 250 patients in the two days free healing service in Sukorejo. August 2004.

Indonesian Hindu University, Denpasar, since Juni 2002, academic subject: Pranic Healing, has been delivered to regular students once a week for 90 minutes. Basic Pranic Healing becomes the program of 1st and 2nd semester, while Advanced Pranic Healing is delivered for 3rd and 4th Semester. Pranic Psychotherapy is given in 5th semester but it is sluggish because it is difficult to get the instructor. May 24, 2004.

Students of the Indonesia Hindu University take a mid semester exam on the subject of Pranic healing. May 24, 2004

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