Source: PHQandA, Message 207.
Function: Helps prevent bone loss and demineralization; modulates immune and inflammatory processes.
Deficiency Symptoms: No deficiency symptoms identified.
Increases Need: Diets that are low in fruits and vegetables.
Suggested Intake for Adults: No RDA established; becomes toxic at 1 gram.
Function: Helps in the formatin of strong bones, teeth, muscle tissue; regulates heart beat; essential to muscle action and nerve function; aids inblood clotting.
Deficiency Symptoms: Soft, brittle bones; back and leg pains; heart palpitations. Excess protein and high-phosphorous foods such as softdrink is increase excretion.
Increases Need: Poor dietary intake, excess protein, physical and emotional stress, growth, pregnancy and lactation.
Suggested Intake for Adults: 800 to 1,500 mg. daily. Vitamin D increases calcium formation. Boron decreases calcium excretion.
Function: Aids insulin function (use blood sugar for energy production).
Deficiency Symptoms: Atherosclerosis, glucose, intolerance, fatigue.
Increases Need: High intake of processed foods, aging, diabetes.
Suggested Intake for Adults: 50 to 200 mcg. daily.
Function: Helps the body absorb and use iron to synthesize hemoglobin;is an important constituent of enzymes required for energy production.
Deficiency Symptoms: Anemia, skeletal defects, degeneration of the nervous system, reproductive problems.
Increases Need: The illness sprue (a malabsorption disease) and celiac disease.
Suggested Intake for Adults: 2 mg. daily
Function: Essentiala to red blood cell formation.
Deficiency Symptoms: Anemia; may compromise learning ability and endurance.
Increases Need: Poor diet, growth, menstruation, pregnancy, antacid use.
Suggested Intake for Adults: 10 to 15 mg. daily. Vitamin C increases absorption.
Caution: Iron overload may increase risk of heart attack.
Function: Aids enzyme activation, nerve and muscle function, and calcium and potassium balance; prevents cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis.
Deficiency Symtoms: Weakness, muscle tremors, weight loss, nausea, irritability, hair loss.
Increases Need: Diarrhea, diuretics, excess alcohol, deficient protein intake.
Suggested Intake for Adults: 300 to 500 mg. daily.
Function: Works with enzyme that facilitate carbohydrate metabolism;necessary for normal development of skeletal and connective tissues.
Deficiency Symptoms: Glucose intolerance
Increases Need: Diets high in refined carbohydrates, pregnancy, rapid growth.
Suggested Intake for Adults: 2 mg. daily
Function: A component of enzymes involved in alcohol detoxification, uricacid formation and sulfur metabolism. Needed for DNA/RNA metabolism.
Deficiency Symptoms: Inability to detoxify sulfites; deficiency may cause sulfite sensitivities.
Increases Need: Insufficient dietary intake of whole grains, legumes, and fresh fruits and vegetables.
Suggested Intake for Adults: 200 to 400 mcg. daily.
Function: Activates glutathione peroxidase, which protects cells from free radical damage.
Deficiency Symptoms: Muscular weakness and discomfort.
Increases Need: Diets high in refined foods.
Suggested Intake for Adults: 70 mcg daily.
Function: May function in hormone, cholesterol and blood sugar metabolism.
Deficiency Symptoms: Elevated cholesterol levels and faulty blood sugar control.
Increases Need: Poor blood-sugar control in people witn noninsulin dependent diabetes.
Suggested Intake for Adults: 50 to 100 mcg. daily.
Function: Involved in many enzymes regulating metabolism and protein synthesis. Aids in healing and immune function and in development of there productive system.
Deficiency Symptoms: Retarded growth, slow healing, loss of appetite.
Increases Need: Infection, poor diet, alcoholism, cardiovascular disease, renal disease.
Suggested Intake for Adults: 15 mg. daily
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