Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Watch Your Thoughts

Watch your thoughts; they become words

Watch your words; they become actions.
What your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.

Frank Outlaw

Tell me, do you still think we are talking about someone or something 'out there' when we open our mouths?

The Final Chapter

By: Audrina Jones Bunton

Several months ago, I read an article about a 22 year old, successful young lady who died a premature death in a plane crash. The more I read this article, the heavier my heart became because she died in the midst of her formative years. Equally tear-jerking was the fact that she died before completing a book that she was writing - before completing her final chapter.

Right now, your book is being written -- and you are the author. Every moment that passes, every day that appears and vanishes, your pages are being written. Every word you speak, every action you take -- shapes page after page in your book of life. How you live and how you treat others also shape the pages of your book -- from cover to cover.

In retrospect, perhaps the beginning of your book may not have been written well, because of mistakes, or unwise decisions -- but you can finish a bestseller. You can finish a bestseller, because you are the starring character and you, by your present and future actions, control how the final chapters of your book will read. You can finish as the winner by doing the things that you love and not taking your life, or others for granted.

Start a new chapter today - a chapter that would give you and others a delight to read. Enjoy who you are and what you do. Keep writing and live life to the fullest.

How does your book read thus far -- and -- what will your FINAL chapter say?


Try Not To Cry

This is beautiful! Try not to cry

She jumped up as soon as she saw the surgeon come out of the operating room.

She said: “How is my little boy? Is he going to be all right? When can I see him?”

The surgeon said, “I’m sorry. We did all we could, but your boy didn’t make it.”

Sally said, “Why do little children get cancer?
Doesn’t God care any more? Where were you, God, when my son needed you?”

The surgeon asked, “Would you like some time alone with your son? One of the nurses will be out in a few minutes, before he’s transported to the university.”

Sally asked the nurse to stay with her while she said good-bye to son. She ran her fingers lovingly through his thick red curly hair.

“Would you like a lock of his hair?” the nurse asked.

Sally nodded yes. The nurse cut a lock of the boy’s hair, put it in a plastic bag and handed it to Sally.

The mother said, “It was Jimmy’s idea to donate his body to the University for Study. He said it might help somebody else. “I said no at first, but Jimmy said, ‘Mom, I won’t be using it after I die. Maybe it will help some other little boy spend one more day with his Mom.” She went on, “My Jimmy had a heart of gold. Always thinking of someone else. Always wanting to help others if he could.”

Sally walked out of Children’s mercy Hospital for the last time, after spending most of the last six months there. She put the bag with Jimmy’s belongings on the seat beside her in the car. The drive home was difficult. It was even harder to enter the empty house. She carried Jimmy’s belongings, and the plastic bag with the lock of his hair to her son’s room. She started placing the model cars and other personal things back in his room exactly where he had always kept them. She laid down across his bed and, hugging his pillow, cried herself to sleep.

It was around midnight when Sally awoke. Laying beside her on the bed was a folded letter. The letter said: “Dear Mom, I know you’re going to miss me; but don’t think that I will ever forget you, or stop loving you, just ‘cause I’m not around to say I LOVE YOU. I will always love you, Mom, even more with each day.

Someday we will see each other again. Until then, if you want to adopt a little boy so you won’t be so lonely, that’s okay with me. He can have my room and old stuff to play with. But, if you decide to get a girl instead, she probably wouldn’t like the same things us boys do. You’ll have to buy her dolls and stuff girls like, you know.

Don’t be sad thinking about me. This really is a neat place. Grandma and Grandpa met me as soon as I got here and showed me around some, but it will take a long time to see everything. The angels are so cool. I love to watch them fly. And, you know what? Jesus doesn’t look like any of his pictures. Yet, when I saw Him, I knew it was Him. Jesus himself took me to see GOD! And guess what, Mom? I got to sit on God’s knee and talk to Him, like I was somebody important. That’s when I told Him that I wanted to write you a letter, to tell you good-bye and everything. But I already knew that wasn’t allowed. Well, you know what Mom? God handed me some paper and His own personal pen to write you this letter. I think Gabriel is the name of the angel who is going to drop this letter off to you.

God said for me to give you the answer to one of the questions you asked Him ‘Where was He when I needed him?’ “God said He was in the same place with me, as when His son Jesus was on the cross. He was right there, as He always is with all His children.

Oh, by the way, Mom, no one else can see what I’ve written except you. To everyone else this is just a blank piece of paper. Isn’t that cool? I have to give God His pen back now. He needs it to write some more names in the Book of Life. Tonight I get to sit at the table with Jesus for supper. I’m, sure the food will be great.

Oh, I almost forgot to tell you. I don’t hurt anymore. The cancer is all gone. I’m glad because I couldn’t stand that pain anymore and God couldn’t stand to see me hurt so much, either. That’s when He sent The Angel of Mercy to come get me. The Angel said I was a Special Delivery! How about that?

Signed with Love from God & Me.


Sunday, September 28, 2008

Maximize Your Minerals

Source: PHQandA, Message 207.



Function: Helps prevent bone loss and demineralization; modulates immune and inflammatory processes.

Deficiency Symptoms: No deficiency symptoms identified.

Increases Need: Diets that are low in fruits and vegetables.

Suggested Intake for Adults: No RDA established; becomes toxic at 1 gram.


Function: Helps in the formatin of strong bones, teeth, muscle tissue; regulates heart beat; essential to muscle action and nerve function; aids inblood clotting.

Deficiency Symptoms: Soft, brittle bones; back and leg pains; heart palpitations. Excess protein and high-phosphorous foods such as softdrink is increase excretion.

Increases Need: Poor dietary intake, excess protein, physical and emotional stress, growth, pregnancy and lactation.

Suggested Intake for Adults: 800 to 1,500 mg. daily. Vitamin D increases calcium formation. Boron decreases calcium excretion.


Function: Aids insulin function (use blood sugar for energy production).

Deficiency Symptoms: Atherosclerosis, glucose, intolerance, fatigue.

Increases Need: High intake of processed foods, aging, diabetes.

Suggested Intake for Adults: 50 to 200 mcg. daily.


Function: Helps the body absorb and use iron to synthesize hemoglobin;is an important constituent of enzymes required for energy production.

Deficiency Symptoms: Anemia, skeletal defects, degeneration of the nervous system, reproductive problems.

Increases Need: The illness sprue (a malabsorption disease) and celiac disease.

Suggested Intake for Adults: 2 mg. daily


Function: Essentiala to red blood cell formation.

Deficiency Symptoms: Anemia; may compromise learning ability and endurance.

Increases Need: Poor diet, growth, menstruation, pregnancy, antacid use.

Suggested Intake for Adults: 10 to 15 mg. daily. Vitamin C increases absorption.

Caution: Iron overload may increase risk of heart attack.


Function: Aids enzyme activation, nerve and muscle function, and calcium and potassium balance; prevents cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis.

Deficiency Symtoms: Weakness, muscle tremors, weight loss, nausea, irritability, hair loss.

Increases Need: Diarrhea, diuretics, excess alcohol, deficient protein intake.

Suggested Intake for Adults: 300 to 500 mg. daily.


Function: Works with enzyme that facilitate carbohydrate metabolism;necessary for normal development of skeletal and connective tissues.

Deficiency Symptoms: Glucose intolerance

Increases Need: Diets high in refined carbohydrates, pregnancy, rapid growth.

Suggested Intake for Adults: 2 mg. daily


Function: A component of enzymes involved in alcohol detoxification, uricacid formation and sulfur metabolism. Needed for DNA/RNA metabolism.

Deficiency Symptoms: Inability to detoxify sulfites; deficiency may cause sulfite sensitivities.

Increases Need: Insufficient dietary intake of whole grains, legumes, and fresh fruits and vegetables.

Suggested Intake for Adults: 200 to 400 mcg. daily.


Function: Activates glutathione peroxidase, which protects cells from free radical damage.

Deficiency Symptoms: Muscular weakness and discomfort.

Increases Need: Diets high in refined foods.

Suggested Intake for Adults: 70 mcg daily.


Function: May function in hormone, cholesterol and blood sugar metabolism.

Deficiency Symptoms: Elevated cholesterol levels and faulty blood sugar control.

Increases Need: Poor blood-sugar control in people witn noninsulin dependent diabetes.

Suggested Intake for Adults: 50 to 100 mcg. daily.


Function: Involved in many enzymes regulating metabolism and protein synthesis. Aids in healing and immune function and in development of there productive system.

Deficiency Symptoms: Retarded growth, slow healing, loss of appetite.

Increases Need: Infection, poor diet, alcoholism, cardiovascular disease, renal disease.

Suggested Intake for Adults: 15 mg. daily


Optimize Your Vitamins

Source: PHQandA, Message 206.



Fungtion : Involved in the growth and repair of body tissues and in bone and tooth formation; increases resistance to infection; maintains skin, mucuous membranes; promotes healthy eye tissue.

Deficiency Symptom
s: Night blindness; dry eyes, rough skin; impaired bone growth; susceptibility to respiratory infection.

Increases Need: Smoking, diabetes, very low-fat diets, celiac disease (inability to digest gluten). Need increases with greater body weight. Consult your physician about supplement use.
Suggested Intake for Adults: 10,000 IU daily; 10,000 to 25,000 IU for beta-carotene.

Over-Consumption Symptoms: Dryness of the mucuos membranes, nausea, double vision, headaches, enlargement of the liver and spleen, and birth defects.


Function: Facilitates use of carbohydrates for energy; helps maintain nerve function and muscle tone; aids growth and healthy appetite.

Deficiency Symptoms: Mental confusion to psychosis; muscle weakness, edema, fatigue, loss of appetite, beriberi, heart failure.

Increases Need: Physical stress and illness.

Suggested Intake for Adults: 2 to 10 mg. daily


Function: Necessary for the use of fats, carbohydrates and protein in energy production; aids in formation of antibodies and red blood cells.

Deficiency Symtoms: Sensitivity of eyes to light; cracks in the corner of the mouth; dry, it chy skin around the nose and lips, swollen tongue, psychological problems.

Increases Need: Excess alcohol use, diuretics, antibiotics, oral contraceptives, diets low in protein and enriched foods, vegan diets, growth, pregnancy, lactation, physical stress.

Suggested Intake for Adults: 2 to 10 mg. daily


Function: Aids metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and protein; promotes healthy skin and digestive function.

Deficiency Symptoms: Fatigue, digestive disorders, irritability, loss ofappetite, skin disorders.

Increases Need: Poor diet, excess alcohol use, cancer, mal absorption diseases.

Suggested Intake for Adults: 20 to 50 mg. daily

Over-consumption Symptoms: Heart arrhythmias, ulcers, high blood pressureand uric acid, flushing and liver problems.


Function: Necessary for protein metabolism and for the formation of antibodies. Involved in the synthesis of hormones and red blood cells.

Deficiency Symptoms: Anemia, irritability, fatigue, nausea, insomnia,nervousness, darmatitis.

Increases Need: Oral contraceptives, excess protein or alcohol consumption, carpal tunnel syndrome, PMS, osteoarthritis, acne, stress.

Suggested Intake for Adults: 2 to 25 mg. daily

Over-consumption Symptoms: Destruction of sensory nerve.


Function: Aids metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and protein; facilititates blood cell formation; maintains healthy nervous system.

Deficiency Symptoms: Pernicious anemia, numbness and tingling infingers and toes.

Increases Need: Vegan diets, disorders that impai normal gastric or intestinal function, hyperthyroidism, pregnancy.

Suggested Intake for Adults: 2 to 5 mcg. daily


Function: Strengthens blood vessels, speeds wound healaing, increases resistance to infection, aids iron utilization.

Deficiency Symptoms: Bleeding gums, slow-healing wounds, bruising,aching joints, nose bleeds, anemia.

Increases Need: Smoking, stress, habitually poor diet, illness, oral contraceptives, drug use.

Suggested Intake for Adults: 500 to 2,000 mg. daily

Over-consumption Symptoms: Diarrhea


Function: Involved in the metabolism of calcium and phosphorous for bone and teeth formation, stimulates absorptio of calcium.

Deficiency Symptoms: Poor bone growth, rickets, ostoemalacia (disease marked by bone softness), muscle twitching.

Increases Need: The drugs cholestyramine, Dilantin, phenobarbital, and mineral oil interfere with absorption and/or metabolism of this vitamin.
Suggested Intake for Adults: 400 to 800 IU daily

Over-consumption Symtoms: Nausea, weight loss, constipation. More severely, mental retardation and kidney and heart damage.


Function: Maintains cell membranes; protects vitamin A and essential fatty acids from free radical destruction; lowers risk of cardio vasculardiseases, cancers and cataracts; may enhance immune function.

Deficiency Symptoms: Appetite loss, nerve dysfunction, anemia, reproductive problems, stunted growth.

Increases Need: History of heart disease or stroke, poor diet, aging, arthritis, deteriorating eyesight, dry skin, illness, use of certain medications.

Suggested Intake for Adults: 100 to 400 IU daily
Over-consumption Symtoms: At very high doses, headache, fatigue, and muscular weakness.


Function: Proper clotting of blood.

Deficiency Symptoms: Increased tendency to bleed and abnormal bloodclotting.

Over-consumption Symptoms: Menadione, a form of vitamin K, may cause anemia and infantile jaundice in high doses.


Function: Aids in red blood formation and cell division, facilitates use of protein for energy, boosts stomach acid production. Recommended for women of child bearing age.

Deficiency Symptoms: Anemia, diarrhea, poor growth, fatigue, neural tube defects in infants born to deficient mothers.

Increases Need: Pregnancy, low intake of fresh produce, oral contraceptives, anti convulsants, excess alcohol, certain medications.

Suggested Intake for Adults: 400 mcg. daily. Pregnancy increases need to 800 mcg. daily.

Over-consumption Symptoms: Convulsions in epileptics and may obscure certain forms of anemia.


Bulimia Nervosa

Source: PHQandA, Message 823.


“Bulimia nervosa is a disorder characterized by repeated episodes of binge eating followed by purging (self-induced vomitting or taking laxatives, or excessive exercising to counteract the effects of bingeing. As in anorexis nervosa, most people who have bulimia are female, are deeply concerned about the body shape and weight, and belong to the middle or upper socioeconomic classes.

Bingeing (rapidly and quickly consuming relatively large amounts of food while feeling a loss of control) is followed by intense distress as well asby purging, rigorous dieting, and excessive exercising. The amount of food consumed in a binge may be quite large or no larger than a normal meal. Emotional stress often triggers bingeing, which is usually done insecret. A person must binge at least twice a week to be diagnosed as having bulimia nervosa but may binge more often.

Self-induced vomiting can erode tooth enamel, enlarge the salivary glands in the cheeks (parotid glands), and inflame the esophagus. Vomiting and purging can lower potassium levels in the blood, causing abnormal heart rhythm.

Compared with people who have anorexia nervosa, those who have bulimia nervosa tend to be more aware of their behavior and to feel remorseful orguilty about it.”


  1. General sweeping with EV.
  2. Sweep and energize front and back solar plexus and the liver thoroughly with LV or EV.
  3. While healing, the intention is to remove the disintegrate the negative elementals and the negative thought entities lodged in it, and to seal cracks and holes.
  4. Sweep throat (front, right, and left sides) and secondary throat with LV or EV. Energize with LV or EV.
  5. Sweep and energize the ajna, forehead, crown, back head with LV or EV.
  6. Sweep front and back heart; and energize back heart with LV or EV.
  7. Sweep basic and navel chakras. Energize with LWR.
  8. Sweep spleen. Experienced pranic healers may energize spleen with LWV with caution.
  9. Sweep meng mein and kidneys. Energize kidneys directly with WHITE.
  10. Create chakral shield on the front and back solar plexus, throat and secondary throat, ajna, crown, back head.
  11. Create an auric shield.
  12. Repeat treatment every other day.
Love and light, Master Fe

Hormone Imbalance

Message 683. Jan 26, 2001

Madical Information:

”Hormones are substances released into the bloodstream from a gland or organ that affect activity in the cells at another site. Most hormones are proteins composed of amino acid chains of varying length. Others aresteroid, fatty substances derived from cholesterol. Very small amounts of hormones can trigger very large responses in the body. Hormones bind to receptors on a cell’s surface or inside a cell. The binding of a hormone to a receptor speeds up, slows down, or in some other way alters the cell’s function. Ultimately, hormones control the function of entire organs. They control growth and development, reproduction, and sexual characteristics. They influence the way the body uses and stores energy. Hormones also control the volume of fluid and the levels of salt and sugar in the blood. Some hormones affect only one or two organs, while others affect the whole body.

(Where it is produced and its function.)
  1. Aldosterone — Adrenal glands — Helps regulate salt and water balanceby retaining salt and water and excreting potassium.
  2. Antidiuretic hormone (vasopressin) — Pituitary gland — Causes kidneys to retain water and, along with aldosterone helps control blood pressure.
  3. Corticosteroid — Adrenal glands — Has widespread effects throughout the body, especially has anti-inflammatory action; maintains blood sugarlevel, blood pressure, and muscle strength; helps control salt and water balance.
  4. Corticotropin — Pituitary gland — Controls the production and secretion of hormones by the adrenal cortex.
  5. Erythropoietin — Kidneys — Stimulates red blood production.
  6. Estrogen — Ovaries — Controls the development of female sex characteristics and the reproductive system.
  7. Glucagon — Pancreas — Raises the blood sugar level.
  8. Growth hormone — Pituitary gland — controls growth and development; promotes protein production.
  9. Insulin — Pancreas - Lowers the blood sugar level; affects the metabolism of glucose, protein, and fat throughout the body.
  10. Luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone — Pituitarygland — Control reproductive functions, including the production of spermand semen, egg maturation, and menstrual cycles; control male and female sexual characteristics (including hair distribution, muscle formation, skin texture and thickness, voice, and perhaps even personality traits).
  11. Oxytocin — Pituitary gland — Causes muscles of the uterus and milkducts in the breast to contract.
  12. Parathyroid hormone — Parathyroid gland — Controls bone formation andthe excretion of calcium and phosphorous.
  13. Progesterone — Ovaries — Prepares the lining of the uterus of implantation of a fertilized egg and readies the mammary glands to secrete milk.
  14. Prolactin — Pituitary gland — Starts and maintains milk production inthe mammary glands.
  15. Renin and Angiotensin — kidnesy — Control blood pressure.
  16. Thyroid hormone — Thyroid gland — Regulates growth, maturation, and the speed of metabolism.
  17. Thyroid-stimulating hormone — Pituitary gland — Stimulates the production and secretion of hormones by the thyroid gland.”
  1. Apply general sweeping with LWG for 3 cycles.
  2. Scan the chakras and the glands. Note which are overactivated or underactivated.
  3. Sweep the ajna and pituitary gland. Energize with LWG, then more of LWV.
  4. Sweep the crown and forehead chakras and the pineal gland. Energize with LWG & LWV.
  5. Sweep the throat and secondary throat chakras; the thyroid and parathyroid glands. If overactivated energize with LWG, then LWB. Will the chakra to become smaller. If underactivated, energize with LWG &LWV. Will it to become bigger.
  6. Sweep front and back heart chakra and the thymus gland. Energizethrough the back heart. Overactivated — use LWG & LWB. If underactivated— use LWG & LWV.
  7. Sweep the front and back solar plexus, the pancreas gland and the liver. Energize with LWG, LWB then LWV.
  8. Sweep the sex chakra and the ovaries. If overactivated energize with LWG & LWB. If underactivated, use LWG & LWR or WHITE.
  9. Sweep the meng mein. Inhibit meng mein with LWB, if overactivated.
  10. Sweep kidneys and adrenal glands with LWG & LWO. Energize with WHITE.
  11. Sweep the basic and navel chakras. Energize with LWR.
  12. Stabilize and release projected energy
  13. Repeat treatment twice a week.
Love and light, Master Fe


Cerebral Palsy

Source: PHQandA: Message 680.

”Cerebral Palsy is a condition characterized by poor muscle control, spasticity, paralysis, and other neurological deficiencies resulting from brain injury that occurs during pregnancy, during birth, after birth or before age 5. Cerebral palsy isn’t a disease, and it isn’t progressive. The parts of the brain that control muscle movements are particularly vulnerable to injury in premature and young infants.

  1. Spastic - in which the muscles are stiff and weak. Stiffness may affect all the arms and legs, mainly the legs, or only the arm and leg on one side. The affected arms and legs are poorly developed, stiff, and weak.
  2. Choreoathetoid - movements of the arms, legs, and body are slow, writhing, and uncontrollable, but they may also be abrupt and jerky. Strong emotion make the movements worse; sleep makes them disappear.
  3. Ataxic - muscle coordination is poor, and muscle weakness and trembling occur. Children with this disorder have difficulty making rapid or fine movements and walk unsteadily, with legs widely spaced.
  4. Mixed - in which 2 of the above type, most often spastic and choreo athetoid, are combined.
In all forms of cerebral palsy, speech may be difficult to understand because the child has difficulty controlling the muscles involved in speech. Most children with cerebral palsy have other disabilities, such as below-normal intelligence; some have severe mental retardation. However, about 40 per cent of children with cerebral palsy have normal or near-normal intelligence. About 25 percent, most often those with the spastic type - have seizures (epilepsy).”

  1. Apply general sweeping 2 or 3 times.
  2. Sweep the crown, forehead, ajna, back head, jaw minor, throat, secondary throat and the entire head and brain thoroughly and alternately with LWG & LWV.
  3. Energize the crown, forehead, ajna, and throat with LWG, then more of LWV. Make them bigger.
  4. Energize the back head, jaw minor,secondary throat chakras with LWG, then with more LWV.
  5. Sweep front and back heart chakra. Energize back heart with LWG, then more of LWV.
  6. Sweep front and back solar plexus. Energize front solar plexus with WHITE.
  7. Sweep navel chakra. Energize with LWR.
  8. Sweep sex and basic thoroughly and alternately with LWG & LWO. Energize with LWR.
  9. Sweep arms and legs alternately with LWG & LWO. Energize minor chakras of arms and legs with LWR.
  10. Stabilize and release energy.
  11. Repeat treatment 3x a week for the next several years.
Love and light, Master Fe


Friday, September 26, 2008

Chitchat When Healing?


By: Bernard Prasodjo

Many pranic healing workshops have been held in Indonesia. So now, the alumni have enough knowledge of healing. Many alumni of Basic and Higher Level apply their knowledge to help others. Many pranic healing clinics open and many people choose pranic healers become their profession. It is good news.

However, unfortunately, many pranic healers apply too much improvisation and some of them thinks that their level is very high and they becomes arrogant. “Master Choa is wrong, this is the right way for sweeping.” And, when healing, they were chatting with their patients.

When someone asked them: “Is it possible to do pranic healing and chit-chat?” they answered it was possible for those who had high ability. Even they were able to do healing while watching TV or reading newspaper. Is it true? Let’s see the possibilities:

Something The Seniors Usually Do

The senior Pranic Healers, Assistant Masters, The Masters, and GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui do the healing seriously, with full concentration on healing. They also needed relatively long time to heal the patients. They followed the seven basic Pranic Healing techniques. Due to the fact that those who have high level ability do it seriously, so we should be more serious.

Energy follows thought

In basic level Pranic Healing workshop, there is important principle, that the energy flow to the place where our mind goes. So, if we are chatting or paying attention to newspaper or TV, our healing energy will not go to the patients but to TV or newspaper.

Connect the tongue on the palate

To make energy in our body flow effectively, touch the palate of our mouth with our tip of tongue, so the energy becomes stronger. It is necessary during healing as we need to switch the button to flow the electricity current to make the lamp on. Consequently, we cannot do chit chat when touching our palate with our tongue.

Do Pranic Breathing
During healing session, especially when energizing, beside that we touch the palate with our tongue, we also do deep pranic breathing orderly with rythm. By pranic breathing of 7-1, 7-1 and 6-3, 6-3, when the retention is empty, we absorb so much healing energies. It is necessary to radiate much energy and it is not taken from energy reserves in our body so we will not be faint. Of course, we cannot do pranic breathing when chit-chat.


A good pranic healer are praying when healing the patients to boost and soften the radiated energy. It will be more effective because Divine Energy is the strongest, softest, and most effective energy. Is it decent and possible to do chit-chat or joking with the patients and others while praying? Can we pray when reading newspaper or watching TV?

Keep Doing Visualization

To heal effectively, during the healing session, we are also visualizing what we will do. Remember! Energy follows the mind. During sweeping, we visualize that we are cleaning dirty energy in certain chakra or organ and they becomes cleaner. When energizing, we concentrate on the certain chakra, visualizing certain color energy flows from our palm and finger tips. We also visualize the chakra and organ, which we energize, gently become full of energy radiated from us and they become cleaner, fresh, healthier, and normal. In each healing step, visualization of the process plays important role to maximize the result. How can we visualize something when chatting, watching TV or reading newspaper?


In healing, intention plays important role. For example, someone, who gets difficulties in scanning, will be helped by making intention, e.g.: when scanning front solar plexus, in his mind, he says: “I am scanning the front solar plexus.” It is also applicable for sweeping and energizing. So, if we do the healing session, our intention should be to heal, instead of chit-chat, joking, reading newspaper, or watching TV.

Modesty, seriousness, sincerity and love

When healing, in the point of view of the healers, there are many things to do to make patient health faster. The healing will happen faster if we do it with modesty, seriousness, sincerity, and love because Pranic Healing is healing with love. If we do the healing session with modesty, seriousness, sincerity, and love, we are not supposed to do it perfunctorily while chatting, joking, reading or watching TV.

By considering our average level, based on the books by Master Choa Kok Sui, and by reviewing the lessons we got from workshops and duplicating our senior when doing healing session, it is difficult to imagine to do Pranic Healing when chatting, joking, watching TV, or reading. What do you think?


Addicted To Painkillers?

10 Signs You May Be Addicted To Painkillers

by: Jesse Cannone

Each year, more than 2 million Americans are given powerful prescription painkillers that contain opiods (sometimes called narcotics) for the relief of pain and discomfort brought on by injury, surgery, menstrual cramps, and even headaches. But a growing number of people taking these medications are becoming addicted to them. And it's not hard to understand why.

Drugs such as Vicodin, Percocet, and Methadone block pain all the way from the nerve endings in the skin to the spinal cord to the brain. Once these drugs reach the brain, they open the floodgates for the chemical dopamine, which triggers feelings of well-being. Dopamine, in effect, rewires the brain to become accustomed to those pleasant feelings. So when you stop taking the pain-killer, your body will still have a strong craving for the dopamine. This is what makes it so hard to quit. Symptoms of withdrawal can include restlessness, muscle and bone pain, insomnia, diarrhea, vomiting, cold flashes with goose bumps (which is the origin of the term "cold turkey"), and involuntary leg movements. Better to avoid getting hooked in the first place.

Chemical dependency can happen to anyone, and it can easily sneak up on you. Here are 10 things you should look out for if you or someone you know is currently taking prescription painkillers:

1. An increase in usage
As time goes by, the effects of the initial dose will lessen, prompting a desire for stronger or more frequent doses of the prescribed medication. This is a clear indication that whatever amount they have been taking is no longer providing the same level of relief.

2. Personality changes
Changes in a person's normal behavior can be a sign of dependency. Shifts in energy, mood, and concentration may occur as every day responsibilities become secondary to the need for the relief the prescription provides.

3. Withdrawing socially
This is one of the clearest signs of a dependency problem. Spending more time alone and away from friends and family and social gatherings is a cause for concern.

4. Continuing meds too long
Extending the prescription beyond the initial period, especially after the condition has improved, can be the beginning of an endless cycle. The patient may even believe he or she is still in pain and simply needs to stay on the meds for a few more weeks or months. He or she might even express anger toward a doctor who questions the need to renew the prescription.

5. Too much time spent getting meds
There are no lengths to which a chemically dependent person will not go to obtain the drugs they think they need. This can become an all-consuming obsession, including traveling long distances and visiting many doctors. When getting the drugs seems to be the number one priority, the situation is getting out of hand.

6. Habits and appearance changes
A deterioration in physical appearance and grooming?including not bathing or shaving regularly?is a common result of drug addiction. There may be a general look of unhealthiness, such as persistent coughing and red eyes. Sleeping and eating patterns often become irregular.

7. Failure to meet responsibilities
Sudden changes in work or school attendance and a decline in quality of work or grades are common, as well as forgetting to pay bills and missing appointments.

8. Becoming oversensitive
One consequence of using potent drugs is that the body's response to any sort of stimulation is heightened. For example, a person may have an overly emotional reaction to traffic noise or bright lights?possibly including hallucinations.

9. Forgetfulness and blacking out
A person who is suffering from chemical dependency will forget things that have happened and may even experience memory gaps of several hours.

10. Denial and becoming defensive
Presented with even a hint that they may be addicted, those hooked on drugs will vehemently deny it. The harder you push, the more defensive they are like to get. They might even react to simple questions with an angry outburst.

Additional signs of chemical dependency include an inability to relax or have fun, talking incoherently or making inappropriate remarks, and expressing feelings of exhaustion, depression, and hopelessness.

Remember that painkillers are a blessing that can turn into a curse. And that it is a lot easier to avoid becoming addicted than it is to recover from drug addiction. As long as you follow your doctor's instructions (and you have others around you to make sure you do), these prescription medications will what they were designed to do?and nothing more.

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Basic Guide To Female Depression

Basic Guide To Female Depression

By: Paul Hata

Depression is a state of mind in which a person experiences acute mental illness and anxiety. It is one of the consequences of nervous breakdown which is also commonly known as mental breakdown. In this fast moving world, people have a lot of responsibilities on their shoulders.

Moreover, everyone has their own personal and professional problems. All these things gradually lead to mental breakdown. There are other reasons also because of which depression is caused. However, there are certain physical conditions which contribute to the same.

The cause of depression in both male and female genders may be due to various different reasons. It is not known that whether stress affects both men and women differently. According to the coping system of stress, the situation varies from males to females.

Nowadays, women give more preference to their career other than anything.Hence, it really becomes difficult for them to strike a balance between home and workplace. Other problems like maternity, menopause, parenthood, gender roles, situation at home and workplace, familial and social back up, often disfigure women's lives in the long run. All these things lead to a lot of depression and stress.

Types of stress for women:

Normally, the pressure put up by the family on the women that work is what that leads to mental stress and depression. It is observed that there is a very strong association between social and mental stress and suffering in women. The women usually deal with the burden of handling family and work as well. This kind of activity tends to become physically and psychologically difficult as well.

The part that brings the most amount of stress in women's life is during the menopause phase. Women go through a lot of nervousness, pressure, worry, emotional containment, and a lot of physical and mental stress, before and during menopause, even when they are alert of its prospect. Menopause is the time after 12 months have passed since a women's last period. The signs and symptoms of menopause vary from women to women.

Symptoms of stress in women:

The main thing that causes stress in women is irregularity of periods, consciousness of sore truths such as loss of fertility and sexual incapability, changes in appearance due to accumulation of a lot of fat in the body and sudden appearance of facial hair, insomnia and night sweats followed by chills, this factor ultimately leads to the expected result of stress and disturbing strain in women.

As a woman goes through menopause, mood swing may be experienced by the women. Other stress factors that usually occur in the stage of parenthood such as the sickness or death of a parent, grown children leaving home and in some cases, change of emotional relationships with one's wife, adds to a lot of physical stress.


Basic Guide To Male Depression

Basic Guide To Male Depression

By: Paul Hata

Depression is a very common problem faced by people around the globe. Precisely, depression is a state of mental breakdown, also sometimes referred to as nervous breakdown. It is described as a sudden attack of mental illness leading to depression or anxiety.

The cause of depression in both male and female genders may be due to various different reasons. It is not known that whether stress affects both men and women differently. According to the coping system of stress, the situation varies from males to females.

Moreover, everyone has their own personal and professional problems. All these things gradually lead to mental breakdown. There are other reasons also because of which depression is caused.

Male depression is the state of depression faced by men. Though, male depression is not a serious problem, but ignoring the same can lead to serious consequences. So a proper diagnosis is very necessary so as to combat this problem.

Characteristics of male depression

Male depression as mentioned above is a state of mental depression faced by men. The major problem with male depression is that, most of the cases go undiagnosed. So the situation become more intense and leads to chronic disorders which further aggravates the situation.

The reason behind this is the male ego that makes them hesitant to discuss their problem with anyone else. The reluctance of men to discuss their problems with health care professionals makes this problem all the more intense. Thus male depression has stood out as a different category of depression in today's world.

Most of the men think that they can cope up with their problem. Some think that they are not so weak to bow down in front of testing situations. And because of many other reasons most of the times the problem of male depression goes undiagnosed.

There are also some reasons such as over-valuing self independence and self-control. Thus, because of this also the men are reluctant to discuss their problem with the health care specialist. Therefore, the final result is that it affects their health all the more. Constant ignorance aggravates the problem and from simple mental depression it reaches to chronic problems.

Men tend to hide their problem unless and until something disastrous happens.After that, it's too late to react, as the problem would have aggravated to a very serious stage from where a comeback is impossible.

Thus, male depression is nothing but a simple kind of depression from which everyone suffers. However it is also necessary that proper diagnosis of the problem should be done at the earlier stage. This would prevent the problem from aggravating.


Monday, September 22, 2008

Women Drivers Award

The Top 10 Contestants For The 2007 Women Drivers Award

10th Place Goes to:

9th Place Goes To:

8th Place Goes To:

7th Place Goes To:

6th Place Goes To:

5th Place Goes To:

4th Place Goes To:

The Bronze Medal Winner:

The Silver Medal Winner:
Her helmet is being worn backwards .....

and finally, here is our 2006 Women Drivers Awards

*** Gold Medal Winner *** WOW ! ! How the heck...?!? Oh never mind... CONGRATULATIONS ! !

This concludes the
2007 Women Drivers Awards Ceremony.

Thank you to all contestants for giving us all a reason to laugh & smile...


Keep Smiling

Thing To Make You Smile.....

Mothers Need Extra Eyes

Why mothers need eyes in the back of their heads


Sunday, September 21, 2008

Woman Don't Tell the Truth

Why Women Sometimes Don't tell the whole Truth

Dear Ladies,

One day, when a seamstress was sewing while sitting close to a river, her thimble fell into the river. When she cried out, the Lord appeared and asked, "My dear child, why are you crying?" The seamstress replied that her thimble had fallen into the water and that she needed it to help her husband in making a living for their family. The Lord dipped His hand into the water and pulled up a golden thimble set with sapphires.

"Is this your thimble?" the Lord asked The seamstress replied, "No."
The Lord again dipped into the river. He held out a golden thimble studded with rubies.

"Is this your thimble?" the Lord asked. Again, the seamstress replied, "No."
The Lord reached down again and came up with a leather thimble.

"Is this your thimble ?" the Lord asked. The seamstress replied, "Yes." The Lord was pleased with the woman's honesty and gave her all three thimbles to keep, and the seamstress went home happy.

Some years later, the seamstress was walking with her husband along the riverbank, and her husband fell into the river and disappeared under the water. When she cried out, the Lord again appeared and asked her, "Why are you crying?" "Oh Lord, my husband has fallen into the river!"

The Lord went down into the water and came up with George Clooney. "Is this your husband?" the Lord asked.

"Yes," cried the seamstress. The Lord was furious. "You lied! That is an untruth!" The seamstress replied, "Oh, forgive me, my Lord. It is a misunderstanding. You see, if I had said 'no' to George Clooney, you would have come up with Brad Pitt.

Then if I said 'no' to him, you would have come up with my husband. Had I then said 'yes,' you would have given me all three. Lord, I'm not in the best of health and would not be able to take care of all three husbands, so THAT'S why I said 'yes' to George Clooney. And so the Lord let her keep him.

The moral of this story is:
Whenever a woman lies, it's for a good and honorable reason, and in the best interest of others. That's our story, and we're sticking to it.

All Us Women

To Stop and Summon The Rain

To Stop and Summon The Rain or Make Clear Weather


There are many activities, which still depend on the rain or sunlight. The influence of the rain in agriculture is very dominant. We remember there so many dry faming fields then they fail because of no rain. And, many damaged agriculture products which cannot be consumed and their price falls down because not enough heat of the sun to dry.

Grand meditation on the field during full moon dispersed and the participants found the place to take shelter. In other situation, the people, who devoted to pray Ied Sholat, were disturbed by sudden hard rain. Garden party dispersed because hard rain fell from the sky.

Is there anything to be blamed because of the harvest loss, suffered by farmers? Is there anyone to be the scapegoat for it? For example, ozone leak in earth atmosphere or global warming because of forest timber in Asia causes glass house effect, that disharmonize climate and weather order recently. Or the organizer forgets to call Rainfall Controler (magician), or forget to prepare 75 umbrellas, or fails to estimate the size of tarpaulin or stage screen. Of course, it is interesting for discussion!

Wise Attitude is Required

The temporary need to delay the rain, or to wait the sunlight to end the rain sometimes is required in the life of full mechanism and activities. In fact, there are many traditional societies from various ethnicities in Indonesia, who have ability to delay or summon the rain. Many rain makers in rural and urban areas can delay the rain. However, the power is not easily mastered and difficult to be given to others. So, the power cannot be categorized as science.

In this article, we will use Pranic Energy to delay and stop the rain. In urgent situation in long dry season, we can use Pranic Energy to summon the rain. Remember! It is not for a game, show of force nor egoism. Due to the fact that this phenomena are ordered by God, The game of rain-sunny for fun can cause the others suffer the loss. So, it needs to be wise to use the technique and we should respect other.

For example, we delay temporarily the rain in small area for our project interest and the rain stops for two weeks. Whereas, the farmers are spreading the seeds together and they need the rain. They will be sad because the seeds cannot grow well or the seeds will die because of dryness. On the contrary, when we want the rain fall temporarily for temporary interest, which is not really important, the others, who use the dry season, will get loss. For example, it disturbs tobacco pre-harvest season, salt-making season, and those who make event. Make sure that your action does not inflict your environs loss. Maybe, we can make argument, that if the pray for rain or sun heat is fulfilled, it means that God bless us. However, those who do not understand the technique and get the impact are very poor.

In this following discussion, we will explain how to delay or move the rain to the other place, where it is more needed, by using simple traditional technique with satisfying result, as well as its analysis. Then, we will explain how to move, delay and summon the rain by using pranic energy technique.

Traditional Simple Method to Delay The Rain

The traditional method to delay or move the rain sometimes seems ridiculous. However, in fact, the possibility is 75%. If it is done 4 times, 3 of them will be successful. This method is applied when someone have big event and he is afraid of the rain. There are various methods from various cultures. In Javanese culture, there are some popular ways, among others:

1. Throwing bride’s underwear up to the roof

2. 2. Making coconut-midribs broom stand up with chilies and red onions, sticked on the midribs,

Mmaking coconut-midribs stand up and spelling Kejawen mantra.

There is also possibility to use supra natural power to reject or more the rain, for example, by fasting, meditative ritual, and other kinds of devotion, such as istiqotsah. However, because we focus on Pranic Energy, we only explain simple traditional methods, as the references.

Traditional Method 1;

The bride throws her underwear up to the roof. it shows her submission and hope to God, who will realize her hope not to rain during her marriage ceremony. By throwing the underwear to the roof, she hopes that the water will be back to the sky and the rain cancels to fall. The basic belief of it is the same as the belief that the under tooth which fell out, should grow up, so people must throw it up to the roof. Whereas, they should burry upper tooth, which fell out, or throw it down, so the tooth will grow down soon.

Traditional Method 2;

The 2nd method is by sticking the midribs points of old-coconut midribs broom (”sapu gerang”) to red chilies then making it stand upside down. It can be used without praying or mantra. If we ask about it to most of people, they will answer that it will be hot and no rain. In the pranic perspective, red chili and onion have red pranic energy, whose the characteristics are warm, spreading, and widening dark cloud to be softer and more constructive. So, the dark cloud fade away and the rain does not fall. The situation become constructive and fresh. It has the same basic belief as the method to drive out the boring guest who has not gone home yet. Javanese girls use this method to drive out the boys, whom they do not like, on the Saturday night or the guest who will not go home soon.

The girls use munthu” (javanese stone chili grinder), grinding the chilies on the mortar and from other room, pointing it toward the guest as if she grinded the chilies. In 5 –7 minutes, the guest will go home. The question is: Why does not she point the guest with ice or vegetable spoon? Can you answer it?

Traditional Method 3;

The third method is by making old-coconut midribs broom stand up side down and opening it wide. If necessary, tie it in the pole, so it will not fall. If it falls down, the rain will not fall. When the broom stands up side down to face the sky, hold the tie of the broom and spell the following mantra:

"Niat ingsun ora ngedekake sapu biasa, nanging sapu jagad kanggo ngresiki mendhung, udan lan angin saka daerah .... dibuang menyang ...., sawetara suwene wektu 3 jam, saking kersaning Allah ingkang murbeng jagad."

(“With my will, I am not standing ordinary broom, but sapu jagad (cosmos broom) to sweep the dark cloud and the rain in …. (name of location, city, residence where the rain will be moved) for.… hours, to move to … (location) where needs the rain. In the name of God, So Be It”).

We used to apply the third method before learning pranic energy. It is heritage from our mother from farmer family. We use this technique when we are drying the paddy after the crop, or when we have parties or outing activity and we worry about the rain in the time the moving cloud is dark. It has high possibility of 95% ( from 20 times, we did, only 1 fails). The important thing is that the broom faces the sky and the coconut ribs open wide to face all direction and the broom does not fall. For the beginner, the possibility starts 50%, and if you often do it, the universe and God, The Nature Phenomena Maker, will be familiar with you as the permanent customer, whose the pray deserves for fulfillment.

Now, the use of pranic energy can substitute for traditional techniques and ritual. It is more practical, without preparing the brooms and red chilies and onions. Before presenting the technique, firstly, we try to explain the concept, with the approach based on Pranic Art and Science, so it will be easier to understand.


Pranic Energy is God bless and love to all creatures in the universe, especially human beings. Pranic Energy is energy related to the living space, which is available everywhere. God gives us energy through the various sources. The energy can come from the sun (Sun Pranic Energy) and also from the air (air vitality globules). The Pranic Energy also comes from the earth (earth vitality globules). Besides, there are other temporary sources of Pranic Energy, which however still give the power because they absorbs many energy of the sun, air and earth, e.g.: old fit big three, flowing water, foods, fresh vegetables and fruits. They also exist in the special sites, where many people pray or communicate with God, The Creator. We can also sense the great Pranic Eenergy in the natural places, such as mountain, valley, and green forest. On the contrary, only few Pranic Energy or dirty energy, which easily contaminate the environ is found in the indecent places, such as, hospital, manufacturer with full of pollution, forensic room, cemetery, the place over the septic tank.

According to the time, Pranic Energy will be spread out much at noon and on the contrary it will be empty in the midnight, around from 02.00 a.m., 03.00 a.m. to 04.00 a.m., in which the air Pranic Energy is very low so the people is very lazy to get up. They compete to get few Pranic Energy at those time by using long stomach breathing, as we inhale the Pranic Energy. After 05.00 a.m., they get up and thank God through morning prayer because they survive to live. They get vital energy and are ready for the new day with full of vital Pranic Energy of earth, air, sun in the day.

During the dark cloud or long rainy season, the days have limited Pranic Energy. In long time rain, dark cloudy, floods situation, many people lack of energy and easily get sick. We can feel that the weather, used to be clear, is suffering and sad and the sun is covered with the dark cloud. The vapor contaminates air Pranic Energy so the humidity becomes higher and the earth prana is covered with water. These phenomena motivate us as Pranic Healers to respond.

Pranic Science for Rain Phenomena

Some principles are considered to find Pranic Energy technique to move, delay, stop or summon the rain, based on the needs. The principles are as follows:

  • God, The Universe Creator, is The One Who posses nature phenomena of wind, rain, heat and earth quake.
  • Color pranas has their respective use, so the application of technique of color prana shall not be wrong.
  • The dark cloud and long time rain can decrease air prana.
  • Pranic Energy follows the mind, so it can be directed and programmed according to the will and needs with the God Will.
  • To delay or move or summon the rain, Pranic Energy needs enough and cumulative times.
  • To apply Pranic Healing Science and Arts, we need to combine aspects of arts and science.
  • Golden Rule is still effective although the characteristic is very simple.

Based on these principles, the important thing is that how to apply the technique in the Will of The Creator. Then, we should consider whether there will be parties, who will suffer loss, if the rain or sunny day happens, because Golden Rule is still valid.

Make program when it will stop and when it will rain by considering that to stop the rain usually is faster. To program to make the rain fall in the dry season or in the clear weather, it needs enough duration to accumulate enough humidity. Base on our experience, sometimes, in the clear weather, the rain can fall hard sooner as we programmed. In this case, we need not only scientific approach but also arts.

The art approach in this case is our belief to successfully reject, delay or summon the rain. Doubt can resist the program because energy follows thought. Other approach is visualization and program of the time to stop energizing.

Applicable Technique with Pranic Energy

After understanding the principles, we can use the technique and choose certain Pranic Energy to respond hot weather and rain phenomena.

This technique employs method and concept of Advanced Pranic Energy technique by beloved Master Choa Kok Sui, which the benefits have been experienced by us.

It does not mean that Basic Level Technique, using White Prana, is not applicable. It is for the effectiveness. However, novice Pranic Healers have not fully learned ability in visualization and contemplation to use color Pranic Energy.




In fact, by applying the technique to move, delay, or summon the rain to the place where the rain is needed, we experience the Blessing of The Universal God, The Lord of Universe. .

The Science and Arts to reject and summon the rain with Pranic Energy is not for show of power nor for fun. To do it for fun means to toy with Creator of Universe. Consequently, only wise persons can experience this benefit.

This article has been published in MediaPrana no. 7, September 1999. It has been discussed in National Pranic Healers Convention I in Jakar­ta in 2000, World Pranic Healers Convention in Bali in 2002, National Pranic Healers Gathering in Salatiga in 2006, and now it is published completely here. For those who have applied it successfully, please send us your testimonial.

We wish it useful and Pranic regards!
